ACT Study Group, December 2014

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Study Groups
Portland, Maine
Led by Joel Guarna, PhD

1st Mondays ACT Study Group
Next meeting will be Dec 1, 2014 @ 8 am


  • Announcements, etc.
  • Review your work on Matrix homework:  Please hold in mind/heart a client with whom you struggle or who challenges you. Complete a matrix for yourself, noting difficult or unpleasant reactions (bottom-left), away moves, values (bottom-right) in terms of how you want to be as a person in the room/helper/therapist, and toward moves you do make or can make. etc.
  • Cases.  We will spend some time processing the cases that were the focus of your Matrix homework.
  • Planning for next couple of months.

ACT Peer Consultation Group, Nov 21

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Peer Consultation Group
Portland, Maine

The ACT Peer Consultation Group meets on the third Friday of each month.
Next: Friday, Nov 21 @ 8-9:30 am

If you have not previously attended this group but are a mental health or healthcare professional and would like to participate, please contact me first.

Coordinator:  Joel

The November meeting will be at our usual location in the MMC-Family Practice conference room.


  1. Welcome!  
  2. Brief Mindfulness Exercise.  A brave volunteer will lead us through a short mindfulness exercise.
  3. Prosocial Project.   I (Joel) will briefly follow-up on last month’s Prosocial intervention to permit some processing and also to discuss (a) Collaborative Decision-Making and (b) Fair Distribution of Costs and Benefits as they pertain to this group.  I am hoping we will leave with some ideas about how to ensure more participation in setting our agenda in upcoming months.
  4. Deep Diving the Matrix.  Brief review of Kevin’s recent workshop by any members who attended that training.
  5. Case Consultation.  We will spend the bulk of our meeting reviewing a few cases. If you have an interesting or challenging case you would like to present, please bring relevant details.  Otherwise, plan to participate in consulting on others’ cases.
  6. Planning.  We will spent a few minutes near the end to set an agenda for December.

Evolution Science & Behavior Study Group, Nov 19

The Evolution Science & Behavior Study Group (EvoS) will typically meet on the fourth Wednesday of each month @ 6 pm.  However, in November we have moved the meeting forward to the third Wednesday due to the Thanksgiving holiday.

Teresa Valliere and I (Joel Guarna) will be coordinating this group.

Next:  November 19, 2014 @ 6 pm

Location: Teresa’s office

1. Welcomes!
2. Food!
3. Next book: In November we will start reading EO Wilson’s The Social Conquest of Earth, available for ~ $12 in paperback through Amazon (or elsewhere).  We agreed to read chapters 1-6 with our experimental new format.  Please read all the chapters but plan to give a quick review on your chapter and perhaps connect topics to our work or raise interesting questions for us to consider.  For this month, I am just going to go ahead and assign chapters more-or-less randomly.  Please let us know if you are planning to miss in November so we can cover the review portion (Julie, I already have you as missing so skipped you in the line-up.  Let me know if your plans changed.)  Let’s think of a better system going forward.

Chapter / Reviewer

1  Beth K
2  Beth E
3  Dawn
4  Joni
5  Joel
6  Teresa

ACT Study Group, November 2014

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Study Groups
Portland, Maine
Led by Joel Guarna, PhD

1st Mondays ACT Study Group
Next meeting will be Nov 3, 2014 @ 8 am


  • A few announcements about upcoming workshops and projects.
  • Very brief review of the recent Prosocial intervention done with the ACT Peer Consultation Group.
  • Discuss the Deep Diving the Matrix workshop with Kevin and get a review from folks who attended.
  • Cases.  Please review your current cases to see if there is one on which you would like some feedback.  We typically get through just a couple so not everyone needs to bring a case.
  • Planning for next couple of months.