Behavioral & Nonchemical Addictions


We live in a world that can be too fast and, at times, just too much. There are countless opportunities to be over-stimulated and overwhelmed and fewer safeguards to keep from getting in over our heads. It is no wonder that so many people find themselves hooked on activities like gambling or internet use, repeating addictive behaviors despite their best efforts. Complicating their recovery is the all-too-human mistake of trying too long to make changes on their own, essentially “re-inventing the wheel” in terms of effective strategies.

The Unhooked group will provide a safe, serious environment, free of judgment, to explore a range of smart strategies for wresting control back from stuck patterns of addictive behavior and shifting back to guilt- and shame-free life focused on living well.

Focus: Behavioral addictions (nonchemical addictions and other compulsive behaviors) such as gambling and internet use; any phase of recovery (contact me for details).

Format: Open-ended.

Groups forming.  Please complete my Groups and Classes Interest Form or contact me if you are interested in joining a group.

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1 thought on “Behavioral & Nonchemical Addictions

  1. Pingback: Groups for Substance Abuse and Addiction | White Pine Behavioral Health

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